Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today we woke up at 6am because we had to load up the van and begin our journey to Kampala. Once we arrived we got some lunch and then hung out at the Matoke Guest house. I was so sleepy I went into the room and laid down. My face hit the sheets and I smelled laundry softner! I forgot how much I loved that smell. As soon as I smelled that I felt like I was at home and I was out. Mmmmmm can't wait for good laundry soap and softner. God bless who ever invented it, I miss it lol

A new Nyka

I went to visit my baby girl on Tuesday at Awindjo House. She looked like a new girl. I was so happy to see her and we played together all day. She has done for HIV testing but we are still waiting for the results and she is currently getting over a case of Malaria but she is so much healthier looking. We were laughing and playing and she was talking to me. I was a little bummed though because she has a new name. They said her mother told them her name was Amina and I said "no its Nyka" and they looked at my confused so we decided that her name was Nyka Amina and they went by the second name. I had to get used to calling her by that name but she responded to both so thats good. It was hard leaving her at the end of the day, I wanted to take her with me but I said my goodbyes and said a prayer that God will keep her protected and healthy. Wednesday was my last day at Smile and it was such a sad day saying goodbye to all the children but I got a happy surprise. Nyka came by for a visit. I had Paulo come over so he could see his sister and as he approached the area he thought he was in trouble and I said "Paulo its Nyka!!" He got the biggest smile on his face and he came running over to me and Nyka lifted her arms out to him and he picked her up from my lap. I was so happy that he got to see her, I know he misses her. He walks around holding other kids now because he misses her so much. My prayer is that they will continue to see each other throughout life even though they can't live together. Even though it was a sad day of goodbyes my heart was happy seeing the two of them reunite.