Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Blog Site

Hello Dear Followers!
I have changed my blog site. It is now

Sorry for any inconveinence, I just wanted to make my website and blog the same name.

Thank you!

Back in the States

I'm back in America and let me just say God is good....Ameena!

I went to my hair dresser the other day and through a very random and odd connection she knew someone selling a sewing machine. The same exact kind that the woman at Smile taught me on. I got a great deal and purchased it! I'm so excited, its dated back to 1918! I am so motivated I have so many ideas and I can't contain my excitement. I'll be able to make more quilts like the one above. I also have the possible opportunity to be in a Philly artshow so please keep your fingers crossed. I'll keep you updated on whats yet to come. God Bless