Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time to Let Go......or Keep?

I started out on the hunt to find 4 images that I wanted to enter into a photo contest but as I searched I found more and more images. I captured what I could, but the truth is, these images only represent a SMALL fraction of the amount of images I truly have.

I wish I was able to let go of them, but I can't. I have photos that I've developed when I was 13 years old; some of the images aren't even that great but I can't let them go! I keep telling myself to pick an image and enter it but then I get hung up on the fact that I would be entering my "original" image....the final back up scary! (And yes of course I have the negative so it's really not the end of the world)

What to do, what to do...I just don't know.

To sell or hold on to?