Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fruit fruit we all scream for fruit!

Every day at Smile we feed the children posho, and for lunch they eat rice but on this particular day they were getting a treat. We were in the office eating lunch and all of a sudden we heard the children screaming and shouting for joy, we looked out the door and saw Pastor Ruth’s car. She had come to visit and she brought a special gift for the children. She opened her trunk and it was filled with bananas. They were so excited they couldn’t contain themselves. We got all the children lined up in rows while seated so that Pastor Ruth could take a photo to send to the ones who had donated the bananas to her. They were so excited to receive a banana. What child in the states jumps up and down for a banana? None that I know of. It was such a humbling experience and it makes me never want to take such a thing as a banana for granted again. I was so happy for the children, their joy extended onto me and we had a great time. It took them no time to eat the bananas but they enjoyed every minute of it. As the kids finished eating they were tossing their peels up to the tray in the front and here was little Marook still standing with a banana in her hand while she helped her baby sister Lamore eat her banana. After Lamore finished Marook gave her the other banana as well. Lamore needs the nourishment but for this young girl to be the care giver of her sister and give up of her own treat for her baby sister was the best moment of my day. I keep trying to figure out how I am helping here because every day I am helped. Something as simple as Marook giving up her banana shows how selfless she can be. That also ties into the sermon of today in church about giving God our first fruits. I have been reminded to keep a heart like Marook and give selflessly just as Pastor Ruth and her donors gave of their fruit selflessly. God is good.

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